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Memories of the Blue Planet

Nanna? Will you tell me that story again
About the Sun, when you were a little girl?
Ok cariad…
Once upon a time when I was a girl,
Back at the start of the century,
The sky was not white like it is now,
The sky was blue like cornflowers.
If you went to the seaside at the weekend,
The ocean, like a great big mirror, was blue too!
Everything was so beautiful…

Nanna! Tell me about the Sun too!

The sky was so blue and so clear
You could actually see the Sun,
Which was golden and warm.
Here is the picture of the sky I drew
And in the corner, the yellow Sun,
Its rays beaming down, and warming us through.

I love that picture Nanna!

I love it too, but it makes me sad…
I am sorry for you, that you never grew
Bathed in golden sunshine
Under skies that were blue.
That you never lay down
Under cloudless skies
And made patterns and shapes
Of the clouds that sailed by.

The real clouds Nanna?

Yes dear, the fluffy white clouds
Like sheep in the sky
Or pink cotton blushes
When the sun made them shy.
I am sorry my darling
That your world is so white
That you don’t see the sun
Or the stars at night…

Don’t worry Nanna,
I will dream of them tonight!

©Lorraine Surringer 2022