My Amazing Bluetit Friends
My feet ache so upon the land
So I love to walk shoe-free
And feel them sink in soft, wet sand
And in the cool, grey sea.
All aches and pains just melt away
As I wade out in the brine
My favourite part of every day
Is my swim, come rain or shine.
It feels like being born again
In the amniotic sea
Deposited, glistening, shiny, red,
Asprawl upon the scree.
Reborn like new, I walk pain-free
I just wish it would last,
But the pain returns, though gradually,
And my need for the sea comes fast.
I used to swim so solitarily
And never used to mind,
But then I found a flock like me,
Of the sea-human kind.
Now we sing and swim together
Full of joy and song
Like sirens out in every weather,
We tempt others to join our throng.
We come from many walks of life,
Nurses, coastguards, wrens,
I would love to write the stories of
My amazing Bluetit friends.
@Lorraine Surringer 2023